Bottle labels for an imaginary wine brand. As part of the 36 days of type challenge, where designers are invited to create a different letter of the alphabet for each day of the contest. For V,W & X I decided to focus my designs on packaging in the form of wine labels based on the female form. I had a bit of fun with this only using alliteration as the names & descriptions. you can read them below...
Virgin Vino - V is for Vino. A Vase of Vintage Valpolicella or Verdejo? Vamos! .... Also for Very Vivacious Virgin with a Voluptuous V! Vaguely Vulgar? Verywell - Vine me!
Wien Woman - W is for Wine.‘Wine’not?! A Wonderful White Welschreiesling or Wessbugunder ( Wein ja? Wunderbar! )... & for Wildly Whimsicle Woman With ‘Weiner Wagon Wig’ - Wow!? What a Way to spend a Wednesday!
Xany Xerex - X is for Xeres... ‘com un Xut de Xocolata’... Xarello grapes & Xany Xoanon or Xiqueta, XXX Xenophilia anyone? 
Alternative development designs where the letters take the form of wine glasses. Overall I think using the letters as part of the female anatomy was much more fun and successful.