Part of an ongoing personal project where letters of the alphabet are represented by animals starting with the same letter... The animals composition is around the shape of the letters & I'm also having a bit of fun with alliteration in the descriptions! I'm creating these in no particular order so check back for more 'alliterated animals' soon...
J is for Jaguars, Joyfully Jazzy  ... & Just a bit Jaded!
J is for Jazzy Jaguars, Joshing Jovially... & Justly Juxtaposed.
J is for Jaguars, Jumping Jubilantly & Jauntily Joking!
L is for Lethargic Llamas Lounging Lacklusterly!
L is for Lazy Llama Legitimately Lunching on Lettuce!
L is for Llama, Lively Leaping, Laughing Loudly ... Most Likely a Lunatic!
K is for Kangaroo, Kidnapping Koalas. Kum on!
K is for Kidnapped Koalas Kung foo Kicking Kangaroo...
K is for... Kudos to Kidnapped Koalas. Kangaroo Keeled over... Kos Kung foo Kicking.
Kongratulations he’s been Killed! Krazy Koalas! - Keep Kalm & Karry on!